Sunday, July 31, 2011

And so it begins

Well, this week is the week . . . as I fell asleep in my bed last night, it dawned on me that it will be a very long time before I get to sleep in my own bed again, and I love my bed haha! And yesterday my family did something so wonderful for me, I had been wanting this super cute Vera Bradley backpack. It seemed like it would be a wonderful addition to travel with, you know when you live out of bags why not have a cute one to carry around haha! I knew it was too expensive, so while I was at the store with my mom and my sister in law Amber I just carried it around, like a crazy person, I'm sure I looked ridiculous haha! So when we left I placed it back on the shelf and walked out of the store. Well, later that evening my family informed me that they had a going away gift for me, and to my surprise . . . there was my Vera backpack : ) My family continues to bless me with their love and support and I am so grateful for them. Some of you may already know the struggles that have been going on in our family for several weeks now, but for those of you that do not, I'm just going to inform you that there is a lot of transition going on for all of us, and it has been the hardest thing our family has ever had to go through. God's faithfulness is enduring, even when I don't always see it or recognize it. He has provided in so many awesome and unexpected ways. I am excited, despite my meltdowns this past week . . . I know that God's plan is so much bigger than my plan. He knows . . . He will not take you where HE cannot sustain you! So please as you pray, pray that I would have peace about being away from my family, that God would provide spiritually and financially. That I would grow and learn through the storms of life and that my heart would begin to heal and not harden. I appreciate now more than ever the love and support from so many people! It's the little blessings, like going out for encouraging dinners with people that care, and my family getting me an unexpected gift
; ) wonderful older ladies who stop in for a visit and drop off a check, just to show that they care! I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it! So Thursday is the day, that is when this adventure will officially begin! Thank you all for your prayers in advance, I am so thankful for all of you and your amazing love and support!