Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Slidell, LA

Well we have arrived and began our time of ministry in Slidell, Louisiana. And wow ya’ll we are in the south : ) It has been warm and sunny, summer just keeps being extended for us! We are in gator country, I found out the other night that the show “Swamp People” is filmed right near where we are, we pass it on our way to the church. Yeah I thought that was pretty cool and figured all of you might get a good laugh out of it! It has been a wonderful week of ministry thus far, the kids are active and well we’ve got some pistols this week : ) But it’s been a joy to spend time with them and invest in their lives.
Last week we were able to stay in Olive Branch Mississippi for a few days on our way south. We did a Wednesday morning chapel and Wednesday evening service at Broadway Baptist Church. It was such a refreshing time for us as a team to have a few days off. Wednesday evening the church had a time of prayer for us as a team, it was one of the most humbling experiences I have ever had. They had all of us team members stand, we were seated all over the sanctuary. Then everyone in the service each picked a team member, then surrounded us and prayed for us individually. It was a tremendous encouragement and blessing to know that I was being prayed for, that our team was being lifted up in prayer. It was a beautiful picture of what God’s church and God’s people should be doing for one another. For me, it brought back all the baggage from the summer, it reminded me that when I left with Life Action there was no support from my “church body” BUT it was that experience with Broadway Baptist Church that reminded me all over again that the CHURCH BODY is all believers in Christ, whether I attend their church of not, they took the time to lift me up in prayer recognizing their responsibility as the body of Christ.
I am hoping that by now all, or most of you have received my update in the mail! For those of you that do not know, our team is headed to El Salvador at the end of November so please be in prayer for us as we are preparing, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We will be doing some work at an orphanage and working on the construction of a medical clinic. Please be praying as we are all still trying to meet our financial needs. God has been faithful and I know HE will continue to be faithful, thank you all especially your prayer support, it is appreciated more than you could possibly know!
And the picture at the top is from our visit to Memphis : ) oh yeah gotta love Elvis! haha!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Revival Tarries

Why Revival Tarries
Together as a team we are reading the book, Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill. It is a book full of conviction and truth. It has convicted me especially in the area of prayer and I wanted to be able to share with all of you what I have been learning. This quote should stir conviction with in you and if it does not well then . . . : )
“We have many organizers, but few agonizes; many players and payers, few prayers. Many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. The two prerequisites to successful Christian living are vision and passion, both of which are born in and maintained by prayer. To be much FOR God, we must be much WITH God!”
Wow, if that doesn’t make you really think about your prayer life and your passion for the Lord then I don’t know what will! It was so convicting for me, each day we spend a lot of time in prayer as a team. But how much time do I personally spend with the Lord in prayer. I have learned that I can really never get enough of talking to my Lord. So I hope that this is an encouragement to you in your walk with the Lord. Spend time with HIM talk with HIM, HE is who we live for so it makes sense that we communicate with HIM!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Poplar Bluff, MO

Well, here we are in Poplar Bluff, MO! Its been a wonderful week! The church had blessed us this week by providing hotel rooms for all of us : ) SO that has been awesome, so relaxing and well just wonderful! The pastor and his wife were so excited and happy to have us with them! The pastor had been praying for two years about us being there and God using our team to touch the hearts and lives of the people in that church! I was humbled that we were the answer to the pastors prayer and that God would choose to use us! It so awesome and humbling to think that an ALL powerful God would choose to use us, imperfect sinners to accomplish His plan for His glory. After each conference we do I am more amazed at God's power, love and grace in our lives. So praise the Lord b/c HE has done great things!
It was a great week with the kids and I was able to teach a new lesson and just love it! I really just enjoyed this past week, it was tiring and the longer we travel the more worn down I become, but the Lord is faithful! This next week is an eight day conference, so please be in prayer for the strength for the team and that the Lord would soften the hearts of the people! Pray BIG b/c we serve a BIG God!
I will try and write more throughout this next week, b/c I am anticipating BIG things!
The picture at the top is of the church we just ministered at!