Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Start of Something New

Hey everyone, well, meet my family for the next year: ) The pictures on the right are the people on my team, I'm sure these won't be the last pictures you see of all of us haha! Anyway, so happy to be sharing with you what God has been up to! I’m not gonna lie, its been hard adjusting to a curfew and a strict schedule. Word of Life was wonderful life training : ) I never dreamed it would be so hard for me to adjust back into such a structured schedule haha! But I am learning so much about being flexible and patient. My prayer/goals for myself this next year is to become more teachable and more of a servant. These two things do not always come naturally to me, (those of you who know me fairly well are probably saying amen to that haha) so by the grace of God I am praying that He will be my help in working on those things. I know that He will work on those two things and so much more throughout this coming year haha! So as you pray for me I would love it and appreciate it so much if you would pray about that for me!
So, today was the first time we were able to be together as a team ministering in a church. It went really well, everything seemed to go very smoothly. It was great to finally see a little bit of what I actually signed up to do for the next year haha! I am slowly beginning to put together all the pieces of everything that takes place, and to be honest I am pretty amazed. If you could see how 19 people travel and pack and melt into wherever they are placed. I know it is just the start of something so awesome. I am really excited to go into the churches and interact with the people. To encourage, reach out to and interact with them.
So far during my time here I have had the opportunity to meet and spend time with so many wonderful people. One, among many is a women a lot of you may “know” at least through her writing and speaking! Last week all of us girls here at camp had the amazing opportunity to get together with Nancy Leigh DeMoss to hear her testimony and have a question and answer time with her! It was one of those times when you hear things that you have heard all of your life, but all of the sudden it clicks! She gave such wonderful advice about being single, about having a consistent quiet time, and just drawing closer the Lord. As well as recognizing that Jesus Christ is Lord over our lives. During her time with us she also talked about complete surrender to the Lord, we need to recognize that what the Lord says . . . Goes : ) So many times I feel like I fight God on things, well at least negotiate haha! I know what He is asking and I do my best to avoid it. But as long as I realize that God is Lord over my life there will be no struggle. I desire to be committed to complete surrender!
Thank you all so much for taking time to read and pray. Thank you to those of you who have sent me texts and written to me on face book. God is using you all in incredible ways in my life and I am so thankful for you care, concern and interest in my life and what God is doing through Life Action. Please don’t stop praying, you all are playing a vital role in this ministry that God has called me to be a part of!

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