Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pray BIG!

It is a cool beautiful Michigan morning as I sit here and type out exactly what I want to share with you all! We still have yet to be on the road which is hard well, the sleeping in has been really nice and for those of you that really “know me” having my morning coffee in peace has also been a very positive aspect haha! It has been good to have extra time to spend with the Lord but it has also given me too much time to think and analyze life. For the girls reading, you know exactly what I mean haha! When life is coming at you crazy fast and you know decisions are coming and you try to manipulate in your mind how to stop them or slow them down or change them. Its exhausting, so here I sit letting it all go . . . Knowing that my God is so much more powerful that my simple human mind, with its simple human answers. SO my prayer has changed from God show me my future haha to God show me what you have for me TODAY, and give me the grace to accomplish it. I’m not going to say its easy and sometimes its just the dumb situations that after I respond I realize “man that was my moment to really glorify God and I blew it” I read this in my devotions this morning and it hit the nail right on the head “PAUSE . . . Before responding to people or situations, giving God’s spirit space to act through you, hasty words and actions leave no room for a Christ-like response,” Convicting isn’t it.
Now moving on . . . So this past weekend we did have the opportunity to minister in a church about an hour and half away from camp. I had the privilege to teach for the first time since being here and it felt so good. I hadn’t realized how much I missed it, that was the longest stretch in the last 5 years that I had gone without teaching on a regular basis. It just gave me a new confidence and inspiration to keep pressing on to see the purpose and have a glimpse of all that God can do. This Friday we leave and head out for our first 4 day Thirst conference, please pray, pray for revival, for spiritual renewal. It doesn’t take anyone special to recognize our nations need for spiritual awakening, but it does take special people to pray for it.

The pictures at the top are of when our team went to the sand dunes on lake Michigan . . . So much fun! We had a blast!

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