Friday, November 11, 2011

Rome GA and Milton FL

Well, I have to put Rome GA and Milton FL in the same post because to be honest, life has just been so busy that I have not had time to write! So Rome GA, great church, wonderful people and kids that were a lot of fun! The people were very receptive and eager for truth! On Sunday morning the people came forward with out an alter call. They were in a state of readiness to see God move among them. It was also really awesome when we were in GA, one of the guys on out team got saved! SO awesome! The one night Josh said that he wasn’t feeling very good and he didn’t come to service, well that night he didn’t feel so good because God was working on his heart. He called his dad and realized there was never a point in his life that he really truly repented and accepted what Christ did for him. So that night he was saved and later in the week we had a baptismal service for him, where his parents were able to be “skyped in” I am so very proud of him for his obedience to his conviction and God’s working in his life. Please continue to pray for josh that he will continue to grow in God’s grace and truth! It was a wonderful week!
Milton Florida, this was one of the best churches for me so far, first because it was right near Pensacola, which means the beach! Second because the people were beyond thrilled with us being there! They were so encouraging and welcoming, they displayed a genuine excitement for what God was going to do! And third because it was spiritually refreshing for me personally! Ah the beach, me and a few of the other girls were able to go to the beach on Saturday, and it was gorgeous I had forgotten how much I love the beach haha! It was just nice to go relax on the beach! And when I say this church was ready for us, ready for God, the pastor had prepared his people, he had been preaching on revival, they had been in a state of prayer in anticipation of God’s moving! It was truly a people seeking God, each service we encourage the congregation to fill out what we call prayer cards, then as a team we pray through the requests of the people, we intercede on their behalf. In the last several churches the amount of prayer cards discussing struggling marriages is concerning. Satan has a hold on the marriages of this nation. He is destroying the home, he is tearing down the foundation of the church through reaching its families. Please be in prayer for the marriages of this nation. We also had the privilege to have communion together as a team and men from the church served us, what a blessing and encouragement! I am so thankful for a team to love and serve the Lord with, to learn from and grow with!
Now onto a lighter much funnier topic, so most of you probably know my strong dislike for dogs/pets haha! Well this past host home had a dog, Whitaker, he was a cocker spaniel and a little spastic lol! Well I was staying in our host mom’s bedroom with another girl on my team. There were these pillows on the end of the bed when we got there so we figured they were for us. So we each used one, I used one under my own pillow and Anna snuggled with hers. Well the next morning as I am making the bed our host mom comes in and informs us that “the pillows on the end of the bed were Whitakers, and she hopes we didn’t get them confused” Hahahahaha, as soon as she left the room, Anna and I chucked those things on the floor as fast as we could lol! Oh the joys of staying others homes, we also had the curtain come crashing down but that’s a story for another time haha!
I appreciate you all taking time to read and pray, it means so much, we are headed to Brownsburg IN for an 8 day conference and then its back to MI before heading south to El Salvador, so please be in prayer that we finish strong and prepare well for our missions trip! Praise the Lord for He is good!

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