Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Brownsburg IN

Well, we had to head back to the cold north! No snow, but rainy and wet! The church though was wonderful, definitely one of my favorites! The kids were so much fun and so well behaved! This week was a summit, which is an 8 day conference instead of a 4 day one, which we usually do! So we get to know the kids and congregation lot better! My host home was amazing and it was overall a huge blessing to be a part of the ministry there.
One of the girls in my club this past week was so adorable, she made me a card and had a pack of M&M's, she was so sweet, it was so nice to be appreciated!
So each week we collect prayer cards that the people in the congregation fill out and as a team we pray through them ever day. So one night I received a card from a man who was asking for prayer for his marriage. He explained that his wife had left him and he was seeking restoration! Well praise the Lord the next night I received another prayer card from the same man, praising the Lord that his wife returned and wanted to restore their marriage! This is the kind of stuff my team and I get to be a part of every week! We get to see God move and work in so many awesome ways! As we are celebrating thanksgiving this week, I love being able to reflect on the 10 churches we have had the privilege of ministering in and being thankful for a God who answers prayer! Thank you all for taking part in my journey, for lifting me and my team up in prayer! Please continue to pray as our team will be heading to El Salvador early Friday for a missions trip! We will be working in an orphanage and helping with the construction of a medical clinic!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all, and please don't take being with your families for granted . . . I am so sad that I have to be away from home for one of my most favorite holidays! Okay, I will write again when I make it home from the south : )

Friday, November 11, 2011

Rome GA and Milton FL

Well, I have to put Rome GA and Milton FL in the same post because to be honest, life has just been so busy that I have not had time to write! So Rome GA, great church, wonderful people and kids that were a lot of fun! The people were very receptive and eager for truth! On Sunday morning the people came forward with out an alter call. They were in a state of readiness to see God move among them. It was also really awesome when we were in GA, one of the guys on out team got saved! SO awesome! The one night Josh said that he wasn’t feeling very good and he didn’t come to service, well that night he didn’t feel so good because God was working on his heart. He called his dad and realized there was never a point in his life that he really truly repented and accepted what Christ did for him. So that night he was saved and later in the week we had a baptismal service for him, where his parents were able to be “skyped in” I am so very proud of him for his obedience to his conviction and God’s working in his life. Please continue to pray for josh that he will continue to grow in God’s grace and truth! It was a wonderful week!
Milton Florida, this was one of the best churches for me so far, first because it was right near Pensacola, which means the beach! Second because the people were beyond thrilled with us being there! They were so encouraging and welcoming, they displayed a genuine excitement for what God was going to do! And third because it was spiritually refreshing for me personally! Ah the beach, me and a few of the other girls were able to go to the beach on Saturday, and it was gorgeous I had forgotten how much I love the beach haha! It was just nice to go relax on the beach! And when I say this church was ready for us, ready for God, the pastor had prepared his people, he had been preaching on revival, they had been in a state of prayer in anticipation of God’s moving! It was truly a people seeking God, each service we encourage the congregation to fill out what we call prayer cards, then as a team we pray through the requests of the people, we intercede on their behalf. In the last several churches the amount of prayer cards discussing struggling marriages is concerning. Satan has a hold on the marriages of this nation. He is destroying the home, he is tearing down the foundation of the church through reaching its families. Please be in prayer for the marriages of this nation. We also had the privilege to have communion together as a team and men from the church served us, what a blessing and encouragement! I am so thankful for a team to love and serve the Lord with, to learn from and grow with!
Now onto a lighter much funnier topic, so most of you probably know my strong dislike for dogs/pets haha! Well this past host home had a dog, Whitaker, he was a cocker spaniel and a little spastic lol! Well I was staying in our host mom’s bedroom with another girl on my team. There were these pillows on the end of the bed when we got there so we figured they were for us. So we each used one, I used one under my own pillow and Anna snuggled with hers. Well the next morning as I am making the bed our host mom comes in and informs us that “the pillows on the end of the bed were Whitakers, and she hopes we didn’t get them confused” Hahahahaha, as soon as she left the room, Anna and I chucked those things on the floor as fast as we could lol! Oh the joys of staying others homes, we also had the curtain come crashing down but that’s a story for another time haha!
I appreciate you all taking time to read and pray, it means so much, we are headed to Brownsburg IN for an 8 day conference and then its back to MI before heading south to El Salvador, so please be in prayer that we finish strong and prepare well for our missions trip! Praise the Lord for He is good!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Slidell, LA

Well we have arrived and began our time of ministry in Slidell, Louisiana. And wow ya’ll we are in the south : ) It has been warm and sunny, summer just keeps being extended for us! We are in gator country, I found out the other night that the show “Swamp People” is filmed right near where we are, we pass it on our way to the church. Yeah I thought that was pretty cool and figured all of you might get a good laugh out of it! It has been a wonderful week of ministry thus far, the kids are active and well we’ve got some pistols this week : ) But it’s been a joy to spend time with them and invest in their lives.
Last week we were able to stay in Olive Branch Mississippi for a few days on our way south. We did a Wednesday morning chapel and Wednesday evening service at Broadway Baptist Church. It was such a refreshing time for us as a team to have a few days off. Wednesday evening the church had a time of prayer for us as a team, it was one of the most humbling experiences I have ever had. They had all of us team members stand, we were seated all over the sanctuary. Then everyone in the service each picked a team member, then surrounded us and prayed for us individually. It was a tremendous encouragement and blessing to know that I was being prayed for, that our team was being lifted up in prayer. It was a beautiful picture of what God’s church and God’s people should be doing for one another. For me, it brought back all the baggage from the summer, it reminded me that when I left with Life Action there was no support from my “church body” BUT it was that experience with Broadway Baptist Church that reminded me all over again that the CHURCH BODY is all believers in Christ, whether I attend their church of not, they took the time to lift me up in prayer recognizing their responsibility as the body of Christ.
I am hoping that by now all, or most of you have received my update in the mail! For those of you that do not know, our team is headed to El Salvador at the end of November so please be in prayer for us as we are preparing, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We will be doing some work at an orphanage and working on the construction of a medical clinic. Please be praying as we are all still trying to meet our financial needs. God has been faithful and I know HE will continue to be faithful, thank you all especially your prayer support, it is appreciated more than you could possibly know!
And the picture at the top is from our visit to Memphis : ) oh yeah gotta love Elvis! haha!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Revival Tarries

Why Revival Tarries
Together as a team we are reading the book, Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill. It is a book full of conviction and truth. It has convicted me especially in the area of prayer and I wanted to be able to share with all of you what I have been learning. This quote should stir conviction with in you and if it does not well then . . . : )
“We have many organizers, but few agonizes; many players and payers, few prayers. Many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. The two prerequisites to successful Christian living are vision and passion, both of which are born in and maintained by prayer. To be much FOR God, we must be much WITH God!”
Wow, if that doesn’t make you really think about your prayer life and your passion for the Lord then I don’t know what will! It was so convicting for me, each day we spend a lot of time in prayer as a team. But how much time do I personally spend with the Lord in prayer. I have learned that I can really never get enough of talking to my Lord. So I hope that this is an encouragement to you in your walk with the Lord. Spend time with HIM talk with HIM, HE is who we live for so it makes sense that we communicate with HIM!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Poplar Bluff, MO

Well, here we are in Poplar Bluff, MO! Its been a wonderful week! The church had blessed us this week by providing hotel rooms for all of us : ) SO that has been awesome, so relaxing and well just wonderful! The pastor and his wife were so excited and happy to have us with them! The pastor had been praying for two years about us being there and God using our team to touch the hearts and lives of the people in that church! I was humbled that we were the answer to the pastors prayer and that God would choose to use us! It so awesome and humbling to think that an ALL powerful God would choose to use us, imperfect sinners to accomplish His plan for His glory. After each conference we do I am more amazed at God's power, love and grace in our lives. So praise the Lord b/c HE has done great things!
It was a great week with the kids and I was able to teach a new lesson and just love it! I really just enjoyed this past week, it was tiring and the longer we travel the more worn down I become, but the Lord is faithful! This next week is an eight day conference, so please be in prayer for the strength for the team and that the Lord would soften the hearts of the people! Pray BIG b/c we serve a BIG God!
I will try and write more throughout this next week, b/c I am anticipating BIG things!
The picture at the top is of the church we just ministered at!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Flushing Michigan

So I have decided that this week instead of trying to relay what God is doing, I'm just going to let you read what the people of these churches have written! God is living and active and below are some letters of testimonies of how God is working!

So hear some of our fellow believers testimonies of God's grace in their lives!

God has made an amazing impact in my life this week. Sunday night when I “filled” my cup with things other than God, it really made me think how these earthly things are so temporary. I nagged at my husband about things, which caused a problem in my marriage. I went to my friends to gripe about my husband, which caused a problem in my marriage as well. At the end of a stressful day, I turned to a glass of wine, then another, and yet another which turned into a bottle, which caused problems in my marriage. One week ago I can tell you that I didn’t know if my marriage would last. Today I can tell you that God had done a complete turn around and we are growing in God’s Word together. All I need is GOD!

There is more peace in my heart and our home. I truly have revived my spiritual life. I had gotten so critical and judgmental against fellow Christians at church. I really haven’t enjoyed church for a long time. I go because of the kids. Now, I have committed to authentic Christianity without hypocrisy and told the kids they had to hold me accountable to be authentic and not hypocritical. I pledge allegiance and faith to my Lord.

I have learned things about God that I have not heard elsewhere – calling sin by its name, for one. I have a lot to work on, with Jesus’ help I shall get there. I have to devote my time to God more each day.

He encouraged me, refreshed me, and nourished me. He affirmed me and what He has placed on my heart. The words that came were refreshment to a dry soul, a soul that needed to be refreshed. I needed to hear “be real.” Watch people serve, experience people love. It has been a good four days. I hope it isn’t just a four day vacation, but something that will lead to transformation.

Those testimonies are a product of your faithful prayer for this ministry! It is so humbling after a conference to sit on the bus, traveling to the next church and read those letters, knowing that God has allowed me to have a part in restoration with HIS children! God is awesome you guys, He is so good and He chooses to use us, and through that sustains us and blesses us!
Last week I had the opportunity to share my families story with a hurting couple who had been through a very similar situation and I was blown away. I was amazed that such hurt in my life could encourage others in such a real way! I just cried with them, empathized with them and will continue to pray for them! God is faithful and He has a reason and purpose for all things, the good, the bad and the ugly . . . you never know! Never discount your life story because someone might need to hear it! I am growing leaps and bounds in my transparency with fellow believers, realizing that I am not alone. God has surrounded us with a support system, the body of Christ! Praise the Lord that we are not in this journey of life on our own! HE will not take you where HE cannot sustain you!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Berrien Center, MI

Well we have completed our first THIRST conference, it began Sunday, September 11th and ended last night, September 14th. It was awesome to finally see everything put together and to get a feel for how things should be working. It was so good to meet so many people and make connections, to encourage people and be encouraged. God worked in Berrien Center Bible Church in awesome ways. We were able to see relationships restored, accountability established, and a unity among generations revived. I wish I could bring all of you along to all the churches, so that you could have the opportunity to see God work in such real and awesome ways. I am humbled by the fact that God has allowed me to be used by HIM. We serve an amazing God!
It has been quite a transition, living out of a suitcase, getting a new “family” and traveling every week, then spending my days and evenings at a church. I liked to think of myself as adaptable but this lifestyle has given the word adaptable a whole new meaning. My host family has been wonderful and I could not have asked for better people to help me adjust to my first week on the road.
I’m still working on my lessons for the kids, this week they went will but there is always room for improvement. The kids were so well behaved and very entertaining. I have to tell you all a funny story, some of you may think its gross BUT you will most likely still laugh anyway : )
So as I was teaching my lesson last night, during a very “dramatic” part this one little kid just let the loudest, smelliest fart rip. It was awful, all the kids started laughing then, I though for sure the other teachers in the room were going to pass out b/c of the smell. And the farts just kept on coming one kid after another, it was then we decided our kids club was no longer called happy heart city . . . It had become, happy fart city. It was bad, really bad!
This week we are in Flushing, Michigan and I am ready and waiting to watch God move in big ways. Pray for the church, Mayfair Bible Church, that God would use our team to accomplish his plan for the people here.

Hope this song encourages you!

If faith can move the mountains
Let the mountains move
We come with expectation
Waiting here for You, waiting here for You

You're the Lord of all creation
And still You know my heart
The Author of Salvation
You've loved us from the start

Waiting here for You
With our hands lifted high in praise
And it's You we adore
Singing Alleluia

You are everything You've promised
Your faithfulness is true
And we're desperate for Your presence
All we need is You

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pray BIG!

It is a cool beautiful Michigan morning as I sit here and type out exactly what I want to share with you all! We still have yet to be on the road which is hard well, the sleeping in has been really nice and for those of you that really “know me” having my morning coffee in peace has also been a very positive aspect haha! It has been good to have extra time to spend with the Lord but it has also given me too much time to think and analyze life. For the girls reading, you know exactly what I mean haha! When life is coming at you crazy fast and you know decisions are coming and you try to manipulate in your mind how to stop them or slow them down or change them. Its exhausting, so here I sit letting it all go . . . Knowing that my God is so much more powerful that my simple human mind, with its simple human answers. SO my prayer has changed from God show me my future haha to God show me what you have for me TODAY, and give me the grace to accomplish it. I’m not going to say its easy and sometimes its just the dumb situations that after I respond I realize “man that was my moment to really glorify God and I blew it” I read this in my devotions this morning and it hit the nail right on the head “PAUSE . . . Before responding to people or situations, giving God’s spirit space to act through you, hasty words and actions leave no room for a Christ-like response,” Convicting isn’t it.
Now moving on . . . So this past weekend we did have the opportunity to minister in a church about an hour and half away from camp. I had the privilege to teach for the first time since being here and it felt so good. I hadn’t realized how much I missed it, that was the longest stretch in the last 5 years that I had gone without teaching on a regular basis. It just gave me a new confidence and inspiration to keep pressing on to see the purpose and have a glimpse of all that God can do. This Friday we leave and head out for our first 4 day Thirst conference, please pray, pray for revival, for spiritual renewal. It doesn’t take anyone special to recognize our nations need for spiritual awakening, but it does take special people to pray for it.

The pictures at the top are of when our team went to the sand dunes on lake Michigan . . . So much fun! We had a blast!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We Serve a Faithful God!

As I was doing my quiet time this morning I was reminded again of God’s amazing faithfulness. In our simple human minds we limit God and therefore limit ourselves. I was reading through the story of Gideon and where he started with God at the mill, then he tested God with the fleece and through all of that he eventually led an army through Gods power to victory in the most uncommon way. After reading that I was reminded of how God can do seemingly common things in uncommon ways with the most untrained people. I stand humbled recognizing that I am the most untrained person that God could have ever wanted to use. Yet here I am trying my best to be obedient to the spirit of God and doing my best to serve God with all of my heart. That is a challenge to myself and an encouragement to all of you, don’t ever discount yourself, allow God to move and work in and through you to do the uncommon! If your journey and walk with the Lord doesn’t excite you check your heart and make sure your being all that God could ever want you to be! HE wants to use you, so get excited!
Now a little bit of what has been going on here at camp, we have been doing more training and two of the teams are leaving tomorrow for their first summit. So please be in prayer for them as their begin their journey this year. For those of you that are not extremely familiar with the ministry here is a website that can help you understand what we are doing a little better! Also included is our schedule for the year.

Please be in prayer for all of the road teams and their heart and mission for revival! I wish you all could have been there last weekend for the 40th anniversary celebration of the ministry. It was so encouraging to see a ministry who’s heart is still beating for the revival of this nation. God has been so faithful to this ministry and has blessed it in so many amazing ways! It was awesome to look back on what God has done but also to look towards the vision for the future of Life Action! God is so faithful!

My team, the white team, will be at a church this Sunday, September 4th so please be in prayer for our ministry there on Sunday. Then we have another week at camp before we hit the road a week from Friday! Which even then we will only be traveling like 15 miles for our first church but we will be away from camp and officially on the road : ) I am so excited to watch God move in my own heart, in the hearts of my team and in the hearts of the people in the churches that we minister in! It is also my hope and prayer that as you read what I write that it encourages you and speaks to your own heart! We serve a BIG and AWESOME God . . . So be excited for what God is doing!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Start of Something New

Hey everyone, well, meet my family for the next year: ) The pictures on the right are the people on my team, I'm sure these won't be the last pictures you see of all of us haha! Anyway, so happy to be sharing with you what God has been up to! I’m not gonna lie, its been hard adjusting to a curfew and a strict schedule. Word of Life was wonderful life training : ) I never dreamed it would be so hard for me to adjust back into such a structured schedule haha! But I am learning so much about being flexible and patient. My prayer/goals for myself this next year is to become more teachable and more of a servant. These two things do not always come naturally to me, (those of you who know me fairly well are probably saying amen to that haha) so by the grace of God I am praying that He will be my help in working on those things. I know that He will work on those two things and so much more throughout this coming year haha! So as you pray for me I would love it and appreciate it so much if you would pray about that for me!
So, today was the first time we were able to be together as a team ministering in a church. It went really well, everything seemed to go very smoothly. It was great to finally see a little bit of what I actually signed up to do for the next year haha! I am slowly beginning to put together all the pieces of everything that takes place, and to be honest I am pretty amazed. If you could see how 19 people travel and pack and melt into wherever they are placed. I know it is just the start of something so awesome. I am really excited to go into the churches and interact with the people. To encourage, reach out to and interact with them.
So far during my time here I have had the opportunity to meet and spend time with so many wonderful people. One, among many is a women a lot of you may “know” at least through her writing and speaking! Last week all of us girls here at camp had the amazing opportunity to get together with Nancy Leigh DeMoss to hear her testimony and have a question and answer time with her! It was one of those times when you hear things that you have heard all of your life, but all of the sudden it clicks! She gave such wonderful advice about being single, about having a consistent quiet time, and just drawing closer the Lord. As well as recognizing that Jesus Christ is Lord over our lives. During her time with us she also talked about complete surrender to the Lord, we need to recognize that what the Lord says . . . Goes : ) So many times I feel like I fight God on things, well at least negotiate haha! I know what He is asking and I do my best to avoid it. But as long as I realize that God is Lord over my life there will be no struggle. I desire to be committed to complete surrender!
Thank you all so much for taking time to read and pray. Thank you to those of you who have sent me texts and written to me on face book. God is using you all in incredible ways in my life and I am so thankful for you care, concern and interest in my life and what God is doing through Life Action. Please don’t stop praying, you all are playing a vital role in this ministry that God has called me to be a part of!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Praise the Lord for HE is Good!

So a little more than a week has passed since being here and it was been a whirlwind. We had what is called revival week, which is a week of spiritual growth for the staff and traveling teams of Life Action. For me it was a week of healing and growth. God has been teaching me so much about forgiveness, love and immediate obedience to the prompting of the Hold Spirit. In order for God to work in and through us we have to be ready to act, to move, to step out in faith and obedience trusting that God will work in and through us despite our sin. So often we limit the power of God and His Spirit, but in all reality I believe God would use us so much more if we would exercise faith believing in the powerful God that we serve! This past week I felt so very lonely being in a new place with people I don’t know and yet I felt so near to God. I feel like God and I are on the same page now and it is so liberating and freeing when you follow through with what God is asking you to do!
We still have a few more weeks of training and then the traveling begins! It has been such a blessing to be fed through wonderful speakers and the word of God but I am ready to get out there and start using what I have learned. So pray that I have the patience I need to finish up the few weeks of training. That God will continue to provide the finances necessary to pay my bills, and pray that God will grant unity among my team! Praise the Lord for HE is good : )

Sunday, August 7, 2011

For your nearness Lord I hunger

So I have been here for about well . . . three days, and I'm not gonna lie it has been challenging. Yesterday was the first day without tears in a while, so praise the Lord for that : ) It has been hard to adjust and figure out what is going on and learn the "life action way" of doing things. The camp is beautiful and the people have been so great! Friday as I was getting so completely overwhelmed, had a terrible headache and was crying like a crazy person God placed a blessing in my life. One of the girls in my cabin just came up to me and hugged me and prayed with me and really just encouraged me in such an awesome way. Since I have been here I have just been praying that God would provide a friend for me, and last night my brother gave me some insight, he said "Em, ya know maybe you should be looking for ppl. that you can be a blessing to instead of waiting for someone to bless you" and you know he was very right. So I am asking that you all would pray that I could be a blessing to the people around me. That I would love these people that God has blessed me with, that I would embrace this ministry and run with it. I struggle daily with the very recent pain of what has happened with my family. I know that I may never understand, that I may never know why, but that I may hopefully learn from it and carry that wisdom with me to each church and each home that I enter into this next year as I travel. I am called to love, I am called to pursue Christ with my life, my prayer is that I daily fall more in love with the Lord. He is it, He is the only one that can give me the strength, healing, restoration, hope and peace.
This is a song that has really ministered to me these past few days . . .

For your nearness Lord I hunger
For your nearness Lord I wait
Hold me ever closer Father
Such a love I can't escape

For your nearness I am hoping
For your nearness Lord I long
Have no need of any other
I have found where I belong
Yes, I have found where I belong

So draw me nearer Lord
Never let me go
Closer to your heart
Draw me nearer Lord
Draw me nearer Lord

In your nearness there is healing
What was broken now made whole
Restoration in it's fullness
Lasting hope for all who come

In your nearness I take shelter
Where you are is where I'm home
I have need of only one thing
Find More lyrics at
To be here before your throne
To be here before you throne

So draw me nearer Lord
Never let me go
Closer to your heart
Draw me nearer Lord

So draw me nearer Lord
Never let me go
Closer to your heart
Draw me nearer Lord
Draw me nearer Lord

And keep me here, keep me here
There's nowhere else I rather be
So keep me here, keep me here
There's nowhere else I rather be
There's nowhere else I rather be

So draw me nearer Lord
Never let me go
Closer to your heart
Draw me nearer Lord
Draw me nearer Lord
Draw me nearer my Lord

Sunday, July 31, 2011

And so it begins

Well, this week is the week . . . as I fell asleep in my bed last night, it dawned on me that it will be a very long time before I get to sleep in my own bed again, and I love my bed haha! And yesterday my family did something so wonderful for me, I had been wanting this super cute Vera Bradley backpack. It seemed like it would be a wonderful addition to travel with, you know when you live out of bags why not have a cute one to carry around haha! I knew it was too expensive, so while I was at the store with my mom and my sister in law Amber I just carried it around, like a crazy person, I'm sure I looked ridiculous haha! So when we left I placed it back on the shelf and walked out of the store. Well, later that evening my family informed me that they had a going away gift for me, and to my surprise . . . there was my Vera backpack : ) My family continues to bless me with their love and support and I am so grateful for them. Some of you may already know the struggles that have been going on in our family for several weeks now, but for those of you that do not, I'm just going to inform you that there is a lot of transition going on for all of us, and it has been the hardest thing our family has ever had to go through. God's faithfulness is enduring, even when I don't always see it or recognize it. He has provided in so many awesome and unexpected ways. I am excited, despite my meltdowns this past week . . . I know that God's plan is so much bigger than my plan. He knows . . . He will not take you where HE cannot sustain you! So please as you pray, pray that I would have peace about being away from my family, that God would provide spiritually and financially. That I would grow and learn through the storms of life and that my heart would begin to heal and not harden. I appreciate now more than ever the love and support from so many people! It's the little blessings, like going out for encouraging dinners with people that care, and my family getting me an unexpected gift
; ) wonderful older ladies who stop in for a visit and drop off a check, just to show that they care! I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it! So Thursday is the day, that is when this adventure will officially begin! Thank you all for your prayers in advance, I am so thankful for all of you and your amazing love and support!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I am so excited to write and let you know that so far financially I am only about $600 short of my needed base amount. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness in this area, I am blown away by the generosity that I am surrounded with. I am so thankful for all of you and your commitment to me and this wonderful ministry that I am able to have a part in! A prayer request for you to keep in mind . . . I am thankful that by God's awesome provision I was able to purchase a car last fall but for this next year I will not be needing it! So my parents have been awesome in allowing me to keep the car, by continuing to make the payments for me! But I still need to pay the insurance on it so if you could please keep that in your prayers that there would be enough funds left over that I would be able to afford the insurance! I know that God is faithful and I am so excited to continue to watch HIM work and move in my life and the lives of others over the next year! Through it all my God be glorified!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It is my hope and prayer that over the next year this blog keeps you connected with me! That it allows you to be a part of my joys, struggles, victories and challenges. I honestly pray that it really truly helps you to be a part of what God is doing not only in my own personal life, but also in the lives of the people that I will be coming in contact with. This next year is going to be an adventure for me and it is my hope that you will come along for the ride and pray with me through this journey that GOD will be glorified!
Over the last year God has really been working in my heart about what comes next. I graduated last spring from Baptist Bible College with a degree in early childhood education. Since then I have been working with preschool children, and really enjoying it! But God has really been tugging at my heart, about doing something more. Taking this next year of my life, to travel, minister, and work with kids in churches all over the United States is truly a great joy and privilege. I am so excited to begin this awesome adventure, and I would love for you to be a part of it!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Psalm 119:88
Revive me according to Your lovingkindness,So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.